Senior Fair
& Open Class
Senior Fair and Open Class entry information.
Forms & Rules
Forms & Rules for entries, livestock and more.
Events & Entertainment
Truck and Tractor Pulls, Music, Harness Racing and more.
Junior Fair
Junior Fair information including Jr Fair Board, Youth Organizations and Jr Fair entries.
The Meigs County fair
Something for Everyone
in the Family
The week long event has something for everyone in the family. From the harness racing, livestock shows, exhibits, truck and tractor pulls, rides and so much more, there is something for everyone to enjoy! And don’t forget about the food!

Rides for the Meigs County Fair are provided by Lisko Family Amusements. They will be bringing an assortment of rides for the whole family along with games and more.

Bringing Families Together Since 1851
The Meigs County Fair is the largest event happening each year in the county. The week long fair has been bringing together people from all over the region since it began in 1851.
Youth – Focus for fair
The Meigs County Agricultural Society and all of those that work to make the fair happen each year have one focus – the youth of our county. From judging of miscellaneous projects to those in the show ring and the annual Kids
Day, the fair is about the experiences it can provide for youth. It truly is about Farm, Family & Fun at the Meigs County Fair.
“I volunteered and still do to be able to give the kids and adults a place to show off their hard work they put into their projects. Whether it was a sewing project, vegetables/crops, animals, photos, or equipment, the fair is a place for friends to get together and have fun.”

Brent Rose
Past Fair Board Member
“As a past 4-H member, showing market lambs and market steers, I feel that we have to preserve this tradition for upcoming generations. I now have three daughters who are all 4-H members and show livestock. My main focus is to provide an enjoyable week for the youth of Meigs County!”

Wes Karr
MCAS President
“With the challenges we are all facing in today’s world, it is vitally important that our kids grow up with the assurance that they are literally surrounded by people who care. We can’t just assume they know. We have to make an all out effort to show them. Kids Day at the fair is the best example I’ve seen of adults demonstrating their commitment to building resilient kids.”

Robin Harris
Executive Director
For 160 fairs & counting!
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Follow the Meigs County Fair for the information on upcoming events including the Meigs County Trade Days.
Meigs county
trade days
Trade Days is a flea market, vendor event at the Meigs County Fairgrounds. Dates, and information for Meigs County Trade Days.